Sunday, July 13, 2014

IMAGINE from World Vision

Remember the lyrics from "Imagine" by John Lennon--"Imagine there's no countries

It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too

Imagine all the people living life in peace..."

Here's a new version from World Vision:
"Imagine if nations and societies took a more holistic approach that involved the business and educational sectors, as well as governments, leaders of faith communities and international donors.

Imagine Bill and Melinda Gates sitting in same room with Goodluck Jonathan, Ban Ki-moon, Cyrus Mistry, chair of the Tata Group, Pope Francis and the Dalai Lama all to commit to the resources and political will to save the current and future generations of children from being pawns of war, greed, lust and politics.

Imagine the conference’s opening address is delivered by two boys, one from Palestine and one from Israel, friends of the four who were murdered. And they, in turn, reiterated the statement issued by Naftali’s family: “There is no difference between blood and blood. Murder is murder, whatever the nationality and age.”

And finally, imagine if those children, as future young leaders in their communities, could lead us all forward to regain our humanity together."

Alex Snary leads the Jerusalem, West Bank and Gaza.
Bill Forbes is the Director of Child Protection for World Vision globally.

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